
Guest readings

I am an experienced and engaging public reader and speaker. Please use the Contact form on this website to discuss booking me for events and festivals, etc.


2024 readings




22nd February 2024, 7pm:

A guest-reading at the Zoom launch of Arboreal by Corinna Board. All welcome, with free tickets and further information here:




JUNE 2024


Sunday 2nd June, 7pm, online via Zoom

I will be in fine poetry company, reading a poem at the Zoom launch celebration of The Alchemy Spoon. All welcome, with free registration at this link:






Thursday 7th November, 7.30pm

POETRY NIGHT WITH SARAH DOYLE at Goldfinch Books, Alton, Hampshire. A welcoming regular poetry event hosted by Ellora Sutton, with open mic, book sales and bar. No need to book, just turn up. More here:




2023 readings



Wednesday 25th January, 7.30pm: Lighthouse Journal online launch

I will be among the contributors to the new edition of Lighthouse Journal who will read their poems at what promises to be a vibrant Zoom event. Registration is via this link:




MARCH 2023


Desert Island Poets, 26th March 2023
Sunday 26th March, 8pm: Sue Burge’s Desert Island Poets

Ten poets (including me) will each read a favourite poem by a contemporary poet, along with a poem of their own which is in some way thematically or inspirationally linked. This is a free Zoom event, with more information, including how to book, at Sue Burge’s website:





JULY 2023


Saturday 1st July, 6pm: Sein und Werden, online launch reading

I will be reading my poem ‘Ammonite’ at this international event hosted on Zoom by Allen Ashley.


Saturday 15th July, 2pm: Ver Poets’ Competition Winners’ reading

I will be reading my 1st Prize-winning poem, ‘Damage’, along with my commended poem, ‘Prevailing Conditions’, at this celebratory Zoom event. All welcome; please contact Ver Poets for joining details: https://verpoets.co.uk/contact-us/


Friday 21st July, 6pm: Ginkgo Prize for Ecopoetry, Southbank Centre

I will be reading my Highly Commended poem ‘Sea Gooseberries’ at the Gingko Prize celebration and prize-giving event, alongside fellow poets. This event, which is part of the Poetry International festival, will take place in the Purcell Room at Queen Elizabeth Hall, and will also be live-streamed. Booking information can be found here:







I will be reading my poem ‘Winter Withdrawal’ at the Zoom launch The Storms Journal on Wednesday 25th of October at 8pm. Tickets for the event are free via the link below, and all are welcome:






Friday 10th November, 8pm: Poets’ Café, Reading

I will be giving a reading at Reading’s longest running poetry platform, Poets’ Café, which is organised and hosted by The Poetry Society’s Reading Stanza. More details will be available nearer to the date, but general information can be found here:






Friday 1st December, 7pm, via Zoom: V. PRESS SHOWCASE

In what feels like a wonderful way to approach the end of a significant poetry year for me, I will be performing alongside three talented V. Press stablemates in this online showcase. The event is free to attend and everyone is welcome, so please join Elaine Baker, Hannah Linden, Nicola Warwick and me as we share poems from our recent V. Press pamphlets. I will be reading from (m)othersongs, which can be purchased directly from me or via the V. Press website at:



To attend this reading, please just drop me a message via the Contact page of this website.


Previous guest readings include:

  • Cheltenham Poetry Festival Literature Lounge online (‘The Two Sarahs’, with Sarah Westcott)

  • Live Canon online reading series

  • Winchester Poetry Festival (with Words for the Wild)

  • Forest Poets

  • The Faversham Literary Festival

  • The Torbay Poetry Festival
  • John Hegley’s Poetry and Music Cabaret
  • William Morris Gallery
  • Worthing Museum (as guest of the Big Blake Project)
  • Reading Art Conference, Birmingham and Midland Institute
  • Ware Poets
  • Poetry in the Crypt, Islington
  • Poetry on the Lake festival, Orta, Italy
  • St Philip’s Cathedral, Birmingham (as guest of the Pre-Raphaelite Society)
  • Salisbury House Poets
  • Torriano Poets
  • Camden Poets
  • Winchmore Hill Festival
  • Fourth Friday at The Poetry Café
  • Enfield Literary Festival
  • Ver Poets
  • Greenacre Literary Festival
  • Capel Manor Summer Arts Festival
  • Various library readings
  • Various anthology and journal launches